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Arndt Benedikt

Intern for design (m/f/d)

Looking for a way to break up your endless cycle of lectures and studying? Come and join us – we promise we’ll put a smile on your face! From March 2025, we will have an opening for a six-month internship once more.

Your responsibilities

As an intern in our design department, you’ll help our creative souls come up with fresh ideas and stunning solutions. Instead of being a glorified barista and learning how to make a latte on the job, we’ll give you the chance get involved in all current projects – from start to finish. Your duties will be as varied and engaging as the wonderful website you’re on now. You will also be able to work on your own small projects, giving you the chance to try out new things and keep developing your skills.

Our requirements

You are a dyed-in-the-wool designer who knows good design when they see it. You’re right at home using Adobe and can find your way around the relevant programmes with your eyes closed. You’re currently studying design as your main subject at university, and you have a natural interest in good design. You’re always ready to sink an Apfelwein or two as well.


If so, don’t wait around. Send us a portfolio featuring your best works to jobs(at)arndt-benedikt.de. We look forward to hearing from you.

Allright then?
Let’s talk about you!

We are Arndt Benedikt based in Frankfurt am Main.

Crafting solid design frameworks on which to build engaging brand identities that can be rolled out across all relevant touchpoints is what we do best. Whether you’re in the private sector or public sector, an NGO or an institution: give us a call or drop by for a chat over a glass of apple wine to see what we can do for you.

© Arndt Benedikt
Arndt Benedikt
+49. 69. 27 31 56 80