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Arndt Benedikt


We call Frankfurt our creative base while being internationally connected.


We are a Frankfurt-based branding agency for entrepreneurs and changemakers around the world who want their brands to matter. Blending strategic thinking and creative design with a dash of patented Arndt Benedikt magic, we develop integrated brand experiences that embody a unique spirit, meet the highest aspirations and resonate with audiences.

We design

All our designs are bold, uncompromising and distinctive. Our design work is based on a deep understanding of the product, the target audience and your business aspirations.

We talk

Through workshops, relationship-building and dialogue across the branding journey, we stay in close communication with you from beginning to end to achieve the best results.

We create

Making brands stand out in a world where every business wants the same thing requires an unquenchable passion for creativity and a willingness to adopt an unorthodox mindset.

We trust

Our team specialises in helping brands achieve lasting connections with its intended audience. This calls for an inherent level of trust in the skills and experience of every member.

We transform

Together, design, communication, creation and trust are the foundations for creating a holistic brand experience that transforms your business into the next industry leader.











Our Clients

We partner with clients from all walks of life. Some are fresh faced, while others have been around the block. Large or small, international or citywide, for profit or non-profit: we make no distinction between any of them. What matters to us is that you share our desire to think different, are fearless in chasing your goals and are willing to go all in with us for the long haul.

Sounds promising?
See our theory in practice!

We are Arndt Benedikt based in Frankfurt am Main.

Crafting solid design frameworks on which to build engaging brand identities that can be rolled out across all relevant touchpoints is what we do best. Whether you’re in the private sector or public sector, an NGO or an institution: give us a call or drop by for a chat over a glass of apple wine to see what we can do for you.

© Arndt Benedikt
Arndt Benedikt
+49. 69. 27 31 56 80