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Arndt Benedikt

Future Moves
Making Europe’s largest conference stage swing

OMR / Ramp 106, Messe Hamburg
Brand Design
UX / UI Design
Printed Matter

Case Study

Our Client

Mo’ mobility, mo’ motivation

Three words to describe a revolution: Autonomous, electric, shared. With everyone from politicians to pensioners talking about mobility, now’s the time to put exciting new ideas on the table and discuss them. Enter “Future Moves – New Mobility Summit”: Founded by the Hamburg Messe + Congress and OMR, this combined event and platform (featuring a podcast, blog, news and more) is Europe’s biggest stage for key movers and shakers in the international mobility scene, bringing together industry experts, decision-makers, influencers and stakeholders to share with, learn from and inspire each other. Its final destination? To be the leading name on the event calendar for climate-neutral mobility worldwide.

The Challenge

Electrifying audiences with a unique concept

The conference calendar is bursting at the seams, so any new challenger needs to offer something truly unique in order to gain traction. As both an event and a platform, “Future Moves – New Mobility Summit” had to put its human-centric focus on mobility front and centre, and show both industry insiders and laypeople that Future Moves is something worth getting excited about.

Our Solution

Empathy brings intent

With Future Moves being all about bringing people together, our focus was on establishing a strong human connection between the target audience and the mobility revolution. While important, technology had to take a back seat – people respond more strongly to success stories and emotions, not user manuals. To capture the mutually inspiring spirit of the event and the platform, we crafted a series of vibrant, streamlined and stimulating illustrations, each of which puts people at the heart of the mobility revolution. The message is clear: we are the drivers behind change and it is up to us to make this happen. We did include a nod to technology in the form of a futuristic, instantly recognisable logo where the 2x ‘u’ in ‘Future’ and the ‘o’ in ‘Moves’ each feature a small gap – a nod to everything from links in a chain to roads to production lines. We paired this with a palette of bold colours – red, white, mint and blue – to reinforce the stimulating, inspirational tone. For newsletters, ads and posters, our focus was on catching the eye while expressing the theme of mobility, we took the word ‘Move’ and reproduced it in various dynamic patterns and shapes (alongside the illustrations). The logo and visuals, paired with headlines and content that pack an emotional punch, are designed to be used across everything from small-scale online banners to building-sized billboards as part of a broad-based media campaign. This is all in service of raising Future Moves’ profile among both those in the know and those who want to know to becoming the leading event for climate-neutral mobility worldwide.

If Future Moves is a sleek new ideas vehicle, then we’d say our design system is the motor (electric, of course) propelling it into a bright future. Full speed ahead.

Brand key elements

A monochrome logo system, a choice of bright brand colors in interplay with deep dark blue and white, a lively animated illustration and icon set, a strong character wordmark and animated type form the visual building block to create a vibrant brand and event identity.

graphic depicting illustrations made for future moves
Future moves keyvisuals

mockup of future moves online ad

mockup of future moves instagram posts

Online platform

Besides the event we created a holistic screendesign for bold and playful yet highly informative platform. Here you have it all: News, insights, stories, interviews and podcasts. And that’s for sure — your chance to get a ticket for the next big summit.

Future moves podcast cards
City light in visual identity of future moves with illustration

posterwall with different posters in the future moves visual identity

flyers designed for future moves







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© Arndt Benedikt
Arndt Benedikt
+49. 69. 27 31 56 80