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Arndt Benedikt


We guide you step-by-step through the entire branding process to create a unique identity tailored to your needs.

Magic hands for magic brands

Our design and branding expertise is channelled into the three stages of the Arndt Benedikt production journey – Brand Definition, Brand Impression and Brand Experience – during which we transform your brand identity from an unfixed idea to its strongest asset. Each stage reinforces the other, enabling us to deliver a holistic design solution that exceeds your expectations and meets your audience’s requirements.

Stage 1: Brand Definition

Co-creation rules: We workshop your brand’s purpose, vision and mission with you to map its DNA. We channel the outcomes into a unique, structurally sound blueprint that we use as the basis for all subsequent developments relating to building up your brand.

● Brand Development
● Brand Strategy
● Brand Architecture

Stage 2: Brand Impression

Your brand needs to be seen and heard. Using your unique blueprint, we harness the potential of text, visual and audio formats to build a sensory brand identity that demands attention from your audience and leaves the strongest possible impression – in name, voice and appearance.

● Brand Design
● UX / UI Design
● Naming
● Tone of Voice
● Brand Messaging

Stage 3: Brand Experience

We live in the Information Age. That calls for a full brand experience rolled out across all online and offline channels. We identify the most relevant touchpoints and tailor your presence to have maximum impact – while delivering your brand’s message with crystal-clear clarity.

● Websites
● Online Shops
● Apps
● Social Media
● Brand Films
● Explainer Videos
● Animation
● Campaigns
● Brand Spaces
● Event
● Packaging
● Corporate Type
● Printed Matter
● Books
● Magazines






Sounds promising?
See our theory in practice!

We are Arndt Benedikt based in Frankfurt am Main.

Crafting solid design frameworks on which to build engaging brand identities that can be rolled out across all relevant touchpoints is what we do best. Whether you’re in the private sector or public sector, an NGO or an institution: give us a call or drop by for a chat over a glass of apple wine to see what we can do for you.

© Arndt Benedikt
Arndt Benedikt
+49. 69. 27 31 56 80