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Arndt Benedikt

Satisfying sneakerheads online

Posterwall with different Asphaltgold posters
Brand Design
UX / UI Design
Social Media
Brand Film
Brand Space
Printed Matter
Posterwall with different Asphaltgold posters

Case Study

Our Client

A streetwear pioneer comes of age

ASPHALTGOLD needs no introduction among sneakerheads: Ranked among the top 5 online sneaker stores in Europe, it has 700k+ followers on Instagram alone and is an exclusive stockist of limited-edition Nike and Adidas sneaker releases. No small feat (or should that be feet?) for a company that found its start in Darmstadt, Germany, back in 2008. Since the business kicked off, ASPHALTGOLD has shifted its focus away from the traditional retail side of things to the more lucrative online arena, where it conducts virtually all of its business today.

The Challenge

Fresh treads for a well-worn image

With both feet firmly in the world of digital retail, ASPHALTGOLD was no longer satisfied with its brick-and-mortar look and feel. The company was keen to bring the digital aspect to the fore and update its youthful visual identity to reflect its more mature reputation as a destination for serious sneakerheads.

Our Solution

A calling card for the next 700k followers

In the crowded online arena, brand recognition is worth its weight in gold, and that’s why the linchpin of ASPHALTGOLD’s new look is its instantly iconic logo. Our starting point was the three values embodied by the sneaker firm: Culture, Aesthetic & Dedication. We took this and ran with it (literally), creating a logo consisting of three blocks shaped into a stylised letter ‘A’: the STACK. It’s a logo which evokes everything from toppling sneaker boxes to a pyramid to the treads on a pair of treasured trainers. The STACK’s simplicity allows it to be reproduced on packaging, apparel and digital media with ease. To complement the STACK, we overhauled the font, opting for a narrow running (!) grotesque that saves space while having the same impact as a new pair of Yeezys.

The next step was to design a clear visual system with templates, guidelines and hierarchies for when, how and where to use ASPHALTGOLD’s new identity to maximum effect – from the brand’s social media channels to its own thriving online store. One other user experience we’re proud of having a hand in is ASPHALTGOLD’s Releases & Raffle app, which gives sneaker aficionados a fair chance of getting their hands on the most sought-after new releases as part of a prize draw. It’s all based on an algorithm, so there’s no playing favourites.

We made sure to cover all digital touchpoints, so that the customer experiences ASPHALTGOLD’s modern look and feel from the first step of the buying journey to the last. All in all, a strong visual identity for the digital age. Here’s to ASPHALTGOLD’s next 700k followers!

Logo & Stack

The “Stack” logo forms the creative core of the design. As the three components of the logo form an A and at the same time stand for the subject areas that ASPHALTGOLD covers in terms of content and that play a major role in daily work: Culture, Aesthetics & Dedication. In addition to the A, the logo deliberately evokes numerous associations from the sneaker universe: from stacked shoe boxes to the profile of a sneaker sole to a monumental pyramid symbolism that takes into account the significance of ASPHALTGOLD in the sneaker community with a wink.

The font used for the word mark reflects above all the aesthetic approach of ASPHALTGOLD. At the same time, the relatively long brand name can be used in a space-saving way by choosing a narrow running grotesque.

Different Asphaltgold logo variations
Logo lock-ups
Lock-up sizing system
Logo and claim size relationships
Web Shop

Of course, all measures have the goal of increasing sales. To achieve this, we have dramatically increased the brand and shopping experience of the web store. Especially the interface design and the user guidance provide the perfect shopping experience. Fast processes and delivery times included.

Screenshots of the Asphaltgold website

Phone screens with the Asphaltgold website on them

Phone mockup of Asphaltgold website screen

Image of Asphaltgold app on a smartphone screen

We supported ASPHALTGOLD with their native iOS and Android App, which gives sneaker lovers a fair chance to get their hands on the most coveted new releases in a raffle. A clever algorithm ensures that everyone has the same chance of winning.

Image of Asphaltgold app on a smartphone screen

Phone mockup of Asphaltgold website screen

Smartphone screen with Asphaltgold social media posts
Social Media

Elaborated and easy-to-use social media toolkit. The modular layout system and its simple application rules make it easy for ASPHALTGOLD employees to create their own banners and posts. The set of templates provided by us serves as inspiration and to jump directly into the asset production.

Smartphone screens with Asphaltgold Instagram stories

Smartphone screens with Asphaltgold Instagram stories


Wall with Asphaltgold symbol on it
Returnform for Asphaltgold

Mockup of Asphaltgold business cards

Clothing tags for Asphaltgold


This team knows its stuff, without a doubt. We know iconic – that’s what good sneaker design is all about – and Arndt Benedikt hit the mark in every respect.

Bag with Asphaltgold Logo Print

People wearing shirts with Asphaltgold Logo Print

Man wearing Sweater with Asphaltgold Logo Print

Image of Socks with Asphalt Gold logo stack
Cotton Bag and Socks with Asphalt Gold Logo stack

Note pad and toiletry bag with Asphalt Gold logo stack

Fanny pack and cotton bag with Asphalt Gold branding


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© Arndt Benedikt
Arndt Benedikt
+49. 69. 27 31 56 80