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Arndt Benedikt

F.A.Z. Konferenzen
Distilling complex themes down to the essentials

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Brand Strategy
Brand Architecture
Brand Design
Printed Matter

Case Study

Our Client

It takes an act of congress

Organising conferences is a complicated business. F.A.Z should know: each year, they run a host of B2B conferences known as the Frankfurter Allgemeine Konferenzen, which focus on topics that shape both our present and future. Think sustainability, digitalisation, finance, law and more. Drawing together the movers and shakers from the worlds of politics, business and society, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Konferenzen feature a cast of colourful speakers, gold-plated content and networking opportunities.

The Challenge

Communication made eventworthy

The team behind the Frankfurter Allgemeine Konferenzen wanted its communications to accurately reflect the diversity, vivacity and gravity of its events – all at the same time. Quite the balancing act. What’s more, the brand name needed to be more front and centre for the recognition factor (Frankfurter Allgemeine is a major draw).

Our Solution

Stirring design schemes for serious themes

With the Frankfurter Allgemeine Konferenzen revolving primarily around finance, economy, sustainability and digitalisation, we wanted to create a level-headed identity that would honour these serious themes without being stuffy. This led us to develop a multifaceted typography system that combines the gravitas of ‘Frankfurt Allgemeine’ written in its classic German script with a modern, streamlined font – Franklin Gothic – that speaks to the conferences’ future-oriented focus. For the visuals, we developed a series of complementing infographics that make use of vivid, stark illustrations and crisp, objective infographics inspired by finance, society and economy: pie charts, bar charts, building blocks and intricate structures made up of interlocking parts. To create a closer connection with the events, the illustrations are always an emblematic reflection of the topic at hand. The visuals are made all the more arresting by the colour palette, which consists of muted tones that look just as at home on billboards as on web pages. All content features ‘Frankfurter Allgemeine Konferenzen’ in a prominent position to draw attention to the masterminds behind the events.

Weighty issues served up with a smile – that’s the visual identity of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Konferenzen. We’re polishing our keynote speech in case they need a marketing expert for their next event.





image of speaker for the faz conferences tinted yellow
© F.A.Z. Business Media GmbH, Andreas Varnhorn
image of people at faz conferences tinted blue
© F.A.Z. Business Media GmbH, Lucas Bäuml
image of speaker for the faz conferences tinted orange
© F.A.Z. Business Media GmbH, Jörn Wolter
banner in faz conferences visual identity at the faz con event

We’re in the business of organising large-scale events, so we know what goes into creating visuals that catch the eye in the right way. We were very impressed with how the Arndt Benedikt creatives managed to toe the line between sober and stimulating in the new design system – exactly what we were hoping for.

Stefanie Kieslich, Business Unit Manager F.A.Z. Konferenzen and Commissioned Events, Member of the Executive Board
F.A.Z. Atrium Berlin
image of speakers at faz conferences debating
© F.A.Z. Business Media GmbH, Andreas Varnhorn
flags in faz conferences corporate design

banner with dates of faz conferences and visual

image of person reading a faz conferences program
© F.A.Z. Business Media GmbH, Jörn Wolter
posterwall with different posters in faz con corporate design



image of speaker at faz conferences
Panel talk

© F.A.Z. Business Media GmbH, Andreas Varnhorn

mockup of faz conferences billboard
lanyard mockup in faz conferences visual identity for the speakers

mockup of faz conferences magazine

Mockup of invitations to the faz conferences

faz conferences city light mockup

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© Arndt Benedikt
Arndt Benedikt
+49. 69. 27 31 56 80