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Arndt Benedikt

Future Candy
Visualizing the digital transformation engine

Future Candy
Brand Strategy
Brand Design
UX / UI Design
Brand Space
Printed Matter

Case Study

Future Candy is Europe’s leading consulting firm for technological innovations

The team, led by founder Nick Sohnemann, helps companies to understand digitisation, get to know advanced technologies at an early stage and seize their ever-evolving potential. Due to rapid growth, Future Candy was in need of rebranding. We stepped in to assist the team.

What we are!

What we do! What we stand for! Over the course of multiple workshops, we worked with Future Candy to determine the core brand promise and developed a new claim based on this: We’re the digital transformation engine.

Everything running smoothly

Transformation is the key word that consequently became the guiding principle behind the corporate design concept created by Arndt Benedikt. The digital version of the logo, for example, is animated, with the result that its appearance is constantly changing. Meanwhile, the offline version can take on any number of different looks. The corporate design therefore directly reflects one of Future Candy’s core qualities: the willingness to change.

Take me to the Candy shop

As part of the corporate design, we developed ‘candies’: the visuals and accompanying animations. They reflect the fun, dynamic approach taken by the consultants at Future Candy and lend the design a distinctive overall look. This works well when contrasted against actual photos which are primarily used as part of conference write-ups, workshops and presentations. These motifs can be made even bolder by incorporating colours.



In good shape

Having embedded the concept of transformation within the corporate design, we needed to introduce steady, non-varying elements to ensure the recognition factor is not lost. If change is the first element, the second key aspect of the corporate design is shape. All applications embrace a clear, solid structure, creating a counterpoint to the transformative element. The result: a varied appearance that is nevertheless easy to recognise.



The Voting Tool

For Nick Sohnemann and his team, kaizen is not just an empty promise – it is a philosophy they actively follow. With this in mind, we developed a digital voting tool for Future Candy. Workshop participants use the tool to rate the subjective benefits of the event. We know from experience that people have little patience for evaluating and rating things. That’s why this tool is quick, interesting and fun to use.

Future Candy online

Given that Future Candy’s services are, for some potential customers, abstract and require an explanation, we took this into consideration when designing the company’s website. Alongside the dynamic elements that reflect the brand’s identity, we sought to convey information clearly and concisely. All content is clustered in a clear-cut way and can be accessed quickly. Brief, informative texts set out the firm’s profile and services and enable customers to get in touch with an advisor quickly and easily.




Future Candy’s new corporate design has taken our company to an entirely new level. The design captures exactly what we stand for and has been well received by our customers. It has had an inspiring effect on our team as well. I would wholeheartedly recommend Arndt Benedikt.

Nick Sohnemann, founder of Future Candy

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© Arndt Benedikt
Arndt Benedikt
+49. 69. 27 31 56 80