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Arndt Benedikt

A fintech that doesn’t feel like a fintech

Brand Development
Brand Strategy
Brand Design
UX / UI Design
Printed Matter

Case Study

Our Client

Charging to the aid of online merchants

Starts tend to want to shake up traditional mindsets. Novoky is no exception: Founded by two financial entrepreneurs, the fintech firm uses smart digitals solutions to disrupt how online merchants manage payment disputes and handle chargebacks, so their bottom line stays firmly in the black. The idea is to make the process smoother for both Novoky’s clients and their end customers – who doesn’t prefer plain sailing to choppy seas?

The Challenge

Finding a firm footing in fintech territory

Initially nameless, the startup had to move fast in order to make inroads in the financial industry and secure its own future. That meant targeting prominent online merchants and making plain the disruptive nature of its solutions through a strong visual identity. The first step? Finding a name fit for a financial iconoclast.

Our Solution

Making a name for itself – literally

Handling chargebacks and disputes is more complex than putting coins in a piggybank, which is why we conducted workshops with the founders to understand the concepts and distil the future brand’ essence: a disruptive force that unlocks financial value for its clients. Next up: the name. It had to be vibrant and veer from the script, which led us to NOVOKY. It combines the Latin for ‘new beginning’ with the idea of a ‘key’ to unlock financial value. We then channelled our energy into Novoky’s corporate design, eschewing the stuffy pantone blue of its counterparts in favour of a bright, four-colour palette complemented by elaborate, yet crystal-clear illustrations. This was part of a wider design hierarchy that runs the gamut from animated forms to static suggestions. The final stage was to compile an intuitive style guide on how to roll out the corporate design system online and offline – from trade fairs to Twitter.

We’ll admit it: We rather enjoyed being a disruptive influence for Novoky. If only our teachers could see us now.

novoky logo on blue background with the novoky pattern




the novoky website shown on laptop and smartphone

mockup of novoky ppt presentation

mockup of novoky ppt presentation

pages from the novoky corporate design styleguide

Fintechs are in danger of looking dull, which is why we sought something stylish from Arndt Benedikt. They have managed to capture the dynamics of this market in a modern and recognizable design.

Patrick Carlo Friedrich, Managing Director
Poster for novoky with claim and shapes

Mockup of stationery from novoky

Mockup of business cards made for novoky


mockup of novoky magazine

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© Arndt Benedikt
Arndt Benedikt
+49. 69. 27 31 56 80