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Arndt Benedikt

The Base
A design fit for the future of urban living

Mockup of The Base billboard ad
The Base
Brand Development
Brand Strategy
Brand Design
UX / UI Design
Tone Of Voice
Brand Messaging
Social Media
Brand Film
Brand Space
Printed Matter
Mockup of The Base billboard ad

Case Study

Our Client

Home is where the co-working space, gym, cinema and meditation room are

The name says it all: The Base is the place for people to work, live, experience and inspire. With a mission statement to combat loneliness in urban spaces, The Base designs and provides unique co-living spaces containing everything an urban go-getter would need to feel right at home in a new city: from chic apartments and shared workspaces to gyms, kitchen facilities, cinemas and even meditation areas. Originally based in Europe’s party-and-startup capital of Berlin, the company plans to open a minimum of 15 spaces across the continent by 2025 – so count on seeing happier faces in a city near you soon.

The Challenge

The comfort of the familiar

A base isn’t just a home – it contains everything a person could want in order to live their life to the fullest. One essential part of that? Community. This was the core idea behind The Base: to bring people together within diverse communities that inspire and empower. The company wanted to make this clear to residents, employees, investors, visitors and more through its the corporate design at its locations and online.

Our Solution

Shaping an all-inclusive community

Our initial workshops enabled us to find the factor that underlies The Base: A desire to connect. This gave us a solid base (see what we did there?) from which to craft a clear vision for the company: To provide unique global spaces that inspire, unite and redefine urban living. We then sought to crystallize the connecting factor in a strong visual system whose notion of togetherness would be instantly recognizable. We built the notion of a strong, unbreakable bond into the logo itself by joining the ‘t’ and ‘h’ in The and the ‘a’ and ‘s’ in Base, and then combined two stylish typefaces for a sense of dynamism and diversity. This is reinforced by the use of geometric patterns that interlock, overlap and join together – and feature bold, complementing colors to elicit a sense of closeness and feel-good vibes. Photographs are another key element: We shone the spotlight on future residents, so that everybody who wanders through The Base’s doors – whether in real life or digitally – understands that they are entering a true community. We also settled on a voice for The Base to use in its web, ad and corporate texts that connects readers to the company’s ethos. Reinforcing the connecting factor in everything from print & social media and the website to walls, soap bottles and business cards, our corporate design shows the world exactly what The Base stands for and serves as the starting point for shaping all-inclusive communities in cities all over Europe.

There’s an old saying: “A great city, a great solitude”. Now that the Base has shaken things up, we think the new version could be “A great city, a fantastic mood.”

The Base logo with ligatures highlighted

Examples of The Base grid based patterns

Demonstration of interplay between picture and pattern in The Base branding

DIfferent color variatons of The Base logo

Design System

The brand design consistently pays attention to the brand in its core-values and orientation. And it is easy to use with a hands-on approach: logo + color palette + typeface + icon set + imagery + patterns + defined tone of voice = The design system can be assembled like Lego for all individual applications.

The Base website mockup on mobile screen

The Base website mockup on Laptop and mobile screen

The Base website mockup on Laptop and mobile screen

The Base Website mockup

The Base city light mockup at bus station
Out of Home

Various out of home applications and design proposals were made for the brand’s rollout and offline communication.

The Base Billboard mockup in subway station

Different The Base posters on construction wall

The Base citylight mockup on bus station

Posterwall with different posters for The Base


The experts at Arndt Benedikt managed to sum up the essence of our brand in one word – CONNECT – and turn it into a fully fledged visual system. We’re definitely glad we connected with them!

Florian Färber, Founder of The Base
Mockup of The Base guidance system on elevator and reception desk

A consistent design language continues throughout the actual co-living space. By the use of the brand’s vibrant brand color palette, it’s tone of voice, patterns and a clear guidance system.

Wallpaper and posters in The Base branding

Mockup of guidance system of The Base in the interior of a building

Further Applications & Goods

From business cards, to bathroom goods, pillows, towels and merch goodies. everything speaks the same language.

Cosmetic Products with The Base Branding

Pillows with The Base Pattern

Notebooks with The Base logo and pattern

Bags with The Base Logo and pattern

Mockups of towels made for The Base


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© Arndt Benedikt
Arndt Benedikt
+49. 69. 27 31 56 80